Join forces with us to give every Tennessee student the JAGTN edge

Whether you’re a school looking to improve graduation rates and give your students definitive post-secondary plans, or you’re an employer looking to form a direct connection with competent, Day One-ready graduates, JAGTN can make that happen.

“The genius of the JAG program is the flexibility that it gives classroom teachers to provide individualized help for students from a vast range of social backgrounds. JAG acknowledges academic, economic, and emotional needs of students, and it is in their acknowledgement of and respect for a student as a complete person that they have struck gold. The JAG program fills in the gaps in a student’s preparation for the next step of their lives. All students benefit, as well as the community at large, from this type of instruction and care.” 

Melissa Fugate, Polk County High School JAGTN Teacher

Join the fastest-growing educational program in Tennessee.

Start a JAGTN program at your high school today.

Looking to hire for your business?

Connect with a JAGTN program to form a community partnership.